A Northern Rebellion
XRNE and the Climate Change Emergency

It’s just gone 7:45am in Newcastle City Centre and the traffic coming into the city is at a complete standstill. Drivers look restless, impatient, there is an air of confusion revving its way up the roadside this bright sunny morning.
The Tyne Bridge has been cordoned off on one side and as far as the eye can see there are bumper to bumper vehicles.
Police are lining up the side of the bridge in anticipation, media are waiting patiently, no one is moving and then, suddenly in the distance a flurry of bike horns is heard, and everyone springs into action.
Cyclists in formation slowly approach, followed by Bannermen and Foot soldiers and they begin to make their way from Newcastle city centre through to Gateshead Civic Centre.
Some of the traffic beep their support and from a megaphone one of the group spurs on the rest with chants, one of which particular riles the movement: “EXTINCTION…REBELLION”

Extinction Rebellion hit headlines recently when they brought their own form of civil disobedience to the streets of London. The group staged action at key points across the city over ten days, bringing most of the capital to a standstill.
Over 1,000 people were arrested for disruption over the ten day protests. The group was set up in 2018 after the results from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) showed we are headed for a breakdown of the ecosytem and only have 11 years to try and reverse the damage done.

A Map of the key action points during the International Rebellion 15th-25th April

Rebels wait behind the line closely watched by Northumbrian Police officers.
Rebels wait behind the line closely watched by Northumbrian Police officers.
Members of Extinction Rebellion North East (XRNE) fresh from the London protests and full of fight for the planet then brought the rebellion back up North with them. The XRNE Action week ran from 22nd - 28th of April and featured innovative ways to get ALL councils and the government to declare a climate change emergency.
The 'Go Slow' cycle featured over 100 people either on bikes or walking alongside. The slow movement of the march was intended to slow down the traffic and to attract media and public attention. The group met outside Central Station at 7am before doing a few laps around the city to gather momentum, those on foot held placards and played music to cheer on their cycling comrades. The rally then made their way to Gateshead Civic Centre via the Tyne Bridge, everyone in bright spirits despite the early start. It was there that the group handed their demands to the council and put pressure on them to act now on climate change
Calvin Lawson, Labour Party candidate for Low Fell met with a representative from XRNE at the foot of the path to accept the letter on behalf of Gateshead City Council. Calvin expressed his concerns about the growing environmental crisis and had some chilling words about the future of the planet.
" A Climate Emergency is upon us whether we Declare it or not. It may already be too late now but according to experts we have 11 years to mitigate the very worst of the effects of climate change. Otherwise we will have an irreversible affect that will leave the planet inhospitable for us. Society as we know it, will end."

XRNE Representative (L) hands the list of demands over to Low Fell Labour candidate Calvin Lawson (R)
XRNE Representative (L) hands the list of demands over to Low Fell Labour candidate Calvin Lawson (R)
The Gateshead Labour group committed to putting pressure on the council to declare a climate emergency and Calvin stands in solidarity with the groups message.
"Many people, ecological experts had given up hope, but this is the last chance and they have come out in force, these people don't want to be sleeping on the ground to highlight an issue but there is literally no other option. The government, big businesses and politicians don't listen so action is absolutely needed. Revolution begins with an act of defiance, that's what we needed and that is certainly what we got." He said.
He will continue to work alongside the group and the Green Party to demand action from the government and has been working with the Environmental team within the Labour group to introduce carbon neutral fuels to vehicles. "We've got to rewild areas that have been cut back" He continued: "and allow our natural green lands to go back to nature. Plant trees and absolutely minimise waste."
" Locally we need to be working more as communities, encouraging local farmers, etc. We need to learn how to garden again, grow your own and use everything we have" He continued.
Calvin believes that sharing information and teaching ALL the population is the key to overcoming this: "Education is absolutely key, environmental classes have to be part of normal education and I know Geography teachers are pushing it. But it isn't just kids that need it. It's absolutely everyone. The mindset of the world has to change, every single thing we do should be thought of in an environmental friendly way, like health and safety, we need to know that this is the best possible and least wasteful way to do things."
" At the end of the day this is about our survival, the planet will still be here but we won't it may take 1000s of years but it will be fine and whatever legacy we thought we could leave will be a long distant memory" he said.

Image: Lauren Kennedy
Image: Lauren Kennedy

Image: Lauren Kennedy
Image: Lauren Kennedy
Simon Roffe, North Tyneside Green Party candidate echoes this sentiment calling the actions of the Rebellion 'fantastic' and urging everyone to "shout louder" about the very real threat to our future. Simon is a volunteer Park Ranger in Northumberland National Park and has studied Environmental Science through the Open University.

Placard from one of the Go Slow Protest. One of XR core demands is that the Govt 'Tell the truth'.
Placard from one of the Go Slow Protest. One of XR core demands is that the Govt 'Tell the truth'.
"There is nothing that climate change won't affect. if you consider Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, the base tier is physiological needs - these are biological requirements for human survival, e.g. air, food, drink, shelter, clothing, warmth. Climate Change will affect our food supply, the amount of clean water we have, places we can shelter, our ability to source raw materials for clothing and the fuels we use heat ourselves"
Simon believes that the reason for the sudden urgency to declare a climate emergency is because of the staggering momentum brought about by groups like XR and by activists such as 16-year-old Greta Thunberg. The schoolgirl who inspired many of the school strikes across the country and around the world after she refused to go to school and sat outside her native Swedish Parliament to demand action on Climate change. Greta has since become synonymous with the CC movement and won a Nobel Peace Prize for her activism, she spoke to Rebels in Hyde Park during the International Rebellion. 'The Greta Effect' has shamed and moved many politicians and civilians into acting now.
"It has taken some vocal, relatable activists like Greta Thunberg and the school strikers to remove climate science from being the sole purview of scientists and so-called single issue parties like the Greens. With a recognisable, repeatable phrase like "Climate Emergency" becoming a dramatic shorthand for the whole issue of climate change, It has stirred emotions and actions." said Simon.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who met with Greta recently has now launched a bid to hold a vote in the commons to declare a national climate emergency. Whilst Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland declared a national emergency across the country at an SNP conference only yesterday (28th April). XR see this as their biggest achievement to date.
XRNE rebels regularly hold up placards asking 'what would Greta do?' and Simon thinks that this movement is above all of us and is needed to help save the planet: "modern culture shelters itself away from opposing and upsetting information, everyone needs to realise that there is nothing more important than fixing this, and the only way to do that is to act in way that people can't ignore"
He warns that as we are a low lying island and that we rely on imported goods and on the "good grace" of the water, climate change will disrupt sea levels globally and affect agriculture meaning if we don't drown we will surely starve eventually. "we need to shout louder and longer than anyone seeking to protect their interests. Money, politics, holidays, none of it matters if the planet is broken."

The action continued on Saturday 27th April where a large group met in the pouring rain in Durham city centre to form a procession through the cobbled city streets, complete with pallbearers holding a coffin, simply saying 'Our Future'. The procession stopped in the Market Square, on the bridge and again outside the Cathedral to hold a 'service' for the death of the planet.
XRNE held a funeral procession through the streets of Durham in the pouring rain on Saturday 27th April to highlight all the lives lost and all those that will be lost through climate change.
XRNE held a funeral procession through the streets of Durham in the pouring rain on Saturday 27th April to highlight all the lives lost and all those that will be lost through climate change.
Extinction Rebellion are non-hierarchical, there are no leaders, but Bethan Sproat, one of the coordinators for XRNE has definitely been at the forefront of the Northern Rebellion. "I got involved (with XR) because of the severity of the ecological and climate breakdown, and instead of becoming so worried about the planets future, it felt right to join a group that was full of worried people, and turn that worry into action."

Bethan addresses rebels before the staged Die-in at the Monument.
Bethan addresses rebels before the staged Die-in at the Monument.
"The most vulnerable in society will suffer and die first, which is already happening around the world. Further to this, everybody will suffer, we are heading towards the sixth mass extinction that Earth has had. Earth will recover and the animals will recover, but humans will not. We must act now to mitigate the scale of the damage that will happen and put things in place to lessen the impact on the most vulnerable. However, climate change will not discriminate and everybody will be affected - there is no profit on a dead planet."
Previously in the week protesters had held a die-in at Newcastle Monument. Groups of people fell to the floor when their 'cause of death was read out. The causes of death were displayed on cardboard gravestones and included: Cholera, Drought, Famine, War, Drowning and Starvation among other grisly endings. These are projections of what most of the population will end up dying of, if we don't act now to prevent a climate breakdown.
A core demand of XR is that the Government 'Tell the truth!' about the state of the planet so what aren't they telling us? According to Bethan, the government aren't reporting on the extent of the ecological and climate breakdown.
"There has been no change to policy or politics in light of the information given to us by experts, for example the research conducted by the UN and the IPCC alongside all other research and academic journals published by climate scientists. " she said.
Only 100 companies in the world are responsible for 70% of our emissions and that's why "We must hold our state and big corporations to account"
Bethan believes that people power is the ultimate power, as do all participating members of XR. Mass movements and mass disruptions are making the government stand up and listen and when the message is being shouted by thousands of passionate people, it's very hard to ignore. After last weeks rebellion, politicians including London Mayor Sadiq Khan are willing to meet with the group.
While some of XRNE were at the protests, Bethan wants to stress that this isn't a London-centric group or issue and encourages those who care about the planet to join their local group or get involved online as well as talk about the issue with as many people as you can.
"In the north east we are really trying to raise awareness and bring attention to our issues, it is something that people everywhere care deeply about There will be more actions and there will continue to be actions until all policy and law reflects the need to mitigate damage to the planet." she said.
"We are individuals in a system that is not fit for purpose and is not working for the planet, but rather for the few who seek to profit from the suffering of many."